
 Staffs Recruiting

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Staffs Recruiting Empty
PostSubject: Staffs Recruiting   Staffs Recruiting EmptyFri Feb 27, 2015 6:32 pm

Staffs Recruiting

CGA Forum is opening the recuitement of Assistant Position for anyone who have interest to be a part of CGA Staffs. Why only Assistant? you can open this >[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]< to see about CGA Staffs position and CGA Staffs system.

We need your help but we also don't want you a burden to teach from the zero and then go inactive, so:
1. Be acknowledged of basic forumotion forum tools.
2. Be an active member in CGA Forum (in chatbox and posting).
3. Have a good spirit in dueling.
4. Be nice with a good attitude towards members and other staff.
5. Be good in English.

If you feel you've met the requirements of this position, please post here telling us that mentioning any additional notes that would support your request.

If you're still a new member to CGA, your request might take longer to be respond to in order to see your activity in CGA.

Note :
Any accepted member to be a staff member will have a 3 month under test and the position might be removed if noticed inactive or not helping.
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Staffs Recruiting

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